Ah HELL WEEK. How can I describe this for those who have not experience it......
day one...stopping starting standing waiting for lights and sound cues to be set......set changes...sleeping while waiting long hours.....then missing something important while you were sleeping.... picking up where we left off the night before so the days all blend into one long day.
(the Boys patiently waiting for lights to be set on their number.)
then costumes thrown at you. Literally. 6 kids + 25 adults + 5 changes a piece (at least) + no costume plots = A zoo backstage. quick changes in the very small wings....clothes flying.... shoved out of the way for a giant set piece to fly by.... jumping on stage and hoping all the rehearsal will kick your muscle memory into gear because you have no idea what is next... the actors desperately needing to work certain parts of the show and trying to find the energy and the good attitude to do it... and of course time. did I mention we have live animals in this play? oh yeah.. and don't forget to SMILE BABY!!
(This is Lauren in partial cow costume with no use of her hands.. so she sits and waits backstage)
it has defiantly been one of the craziest tech weeks I have experienced.
But ready or not we have an audience tonight. One of my favorite parts of theater is watching a play really come alive with an audience. Mistakes will defiantly be made but that is also part of the fun. Its going to be a great show. The talent and the heart is there.
If you want to come and see the show visit www.egyptiantheatrecompany.org and get your tickets. Use promo code "Darkhorse" for a discount. :)
Looks like tonz of fun, but way busy! I remember being in a musical in High School and there was always alot to do. This is nothing compared to a High School musical, but that's my only comparison I can sympathize with :)