Monday, August 9, 2010

How To Be Alone

.....while in between theatre projects.... being painfully slow.... serious relationships....
.....and roomates gone quite often.....

I am trying to learn how to be by myself with out driving myself crazy.

Watch this and you will get an idea of what I mean.

Which has inspired me to do more of this...

*painting, building shelves and decorating my room
*growing plants!
*learning the guitar
*going to the library
*cooking (ha)

For a start. I will let you know how my new skills work out. I think my plants are already dying.


  1. Hey Elise,
    Brian and I were in Jackson Hole last Sunday. We met a really cute girl names Kate. She played Sandy last year in grease. I don't know if you heard, but she was baptized earlier this year. She is very sweet and bore a beautiful testimony.
    Hope things are good for you. Take care

  2. "There's something reassuring, reassuring yourself how beautiful yourself is."
    I just think you're a lovely person. Alone or together.
    Hit me up if you ever wanna go on a run alone. :)

  3. I REALLY love this. I think I'll watch it again.
